General communication skills:
General communication skills: cultural differences; adapting; accuracy; Answering & Questions:
Cultural differences
- It is important whenever you communicating with people from different cultural background you need to speak with them slowly and repeat the sentence for them if they don`t get it first time. After you finishes speaking to them ask them Question about what you said to check they understand what you said or not. Use body language when you speak with people from different culture body language is an important part of how communicate with each other and there are difference from culture to culture, Hand and arm, body movement contact are a few of the aspects of non-verbal communication that may vary significantly depending upon culture background.
Engaging Audience:

- Engaging the Audience it is very important to keep your audience or people who you talking with interested throughout a presentation or conversation. The reason engaging the Audience is because if you do not engaging them then the audience may lose track of what you are talking about, and therefore may be confused by what you are talking about, above all if you ramble and do not come to a clear end, the audience may not understand the point you were originally trying to make.
Answering & Questions:

Every day we communicate with people from different countries, but sometimes we do not adjust our communication style to the audience or situation. This can lead to confusion, hurt feelings, or misunderstandings.
These are some ways to how to communicate with people from different countries.
Identify your goal. Know the purpose of your interaction so you can adapt your communication effectively. Know your audience. To adapt your communication effectively, you need to understand who you are talking with. Watch your words. Be intentional with the language you use. Words can help you quickly connect with someone, but they may also offend them. Be intentional with your body language. Body language can be interpreted differently in different situations. Adapt your non-verbal communication to the situation at hand. Pay attention to the other person's feedback. Some people may offer verbal feedback by asking questions.

Interpersonal skills:
Methods is if you’re talking to someone
cannot hear what you’re saying you can use signs as communication with him to
help him understand also talk slowly he may be able to lip read. Talking slowly
may also help the person to understand better.
Positive & Negative language;
and negative language is often used in a lot of communication positive and
negative language. Positive and negative language is when a person show what
they feel by acting the way they act. If you hear bad and disappointing news
you will get angry and you will use negative language because you’re sad on the
other hand if you’re happy you will use a positive language. It is good for people to show a positive language
because other people will see that you are a friendly and polite person and
they will want to talk to you. Another way in which you can have a positive
language is by saying yes to someone which will that you are agreeing with
Speed of response
Speed of response is to answer the person who asks you something or normally given to the person that you’re speaking or communicating with. Speed of response is how slow or quick you react to what a person say or do to you for example if you get slapped from someone you will have a negative response towards him. A way of responding to some could be by using positive or negative body language. Negative response shouting at someone.
Communicate in writing:
Spelling & Grammar ;
Spelling and
Grammar is one of the communication barriers. if
your communicating the a person through litter or email you need to use correct
Spelling and use good grammar help to show that you are being formal. Before sending
your litter or email to someone you should check your spell and proof read your litter or email.
As with grammar it is
important to structure when writing a letter. Using good structure and
titling paragraphs will help the person who is reading your litter to find positive
information they are looking for. Use sub-headings to put a point across, using
paragraphs to show that your thought/point has come to a close, labelling a letter
in a professional way. Using no heading will make it harder for the person to
understand what they are looking at in first quick look, Using heading will
make the person to read everything if they are looking for a certain part of a
helps you to check that you have included everything you wanted to say in any
piece of writing .It give you a chance to review your work and add in anything
you may have missed out. It helps you iron out any little, unnecessary errors
you may have made. Proofreading shows that you take pride in your work and that
it is the best you can make it. It also help the person who read your litter to
understand your litter better.
Taking note is important when you writing litter or creating a presentation it help you to remember everything you wanted to write about. and it will also help you remembering the main point you want write.